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Thatch / Dead Organic Matter

We provide a wide range of professional services and expertise to help combat and reduce your thatch levels. .

What is Thatch?

Thatch is basically dead organic matter i.e. dead roots during the growing season which now during the climate change has a longer seasonal period, a grass plant produces many side shoots with the aid of fertilisers and general growing conditions. The Stress that grass plants can attain during the growing season  can be severe on the plant. The natural build up of thatch mainly develops between the soil surface and the zone of green vegetation. A thatch build up will have  a distinctive strong smell of decay and in some cases of a large excessive build up of thatch the surface will feel quite spongy under foot.

Causes and effects of Thatch

Thatch accumulation can happen in several ways but the main cause is when the accumulation rate of dead organic matter from actively growing turf is greater than the rate of decomposition. Other reasons which effect and aid its production are :-

1) An insufficient aeration programme from the previous year.

2) Excessive and high levels of applications of nitrogen.

3) Regular returning of clippings during mowing.

4) Vigorous growing grasses i.e. certain cultivars and species.

5) Poor drainage and compaction coincides with point 1 .


Remedies and preventative measures

To remedy the build up of excessive thatch is mainly to scarify , in turn this is a machine which aggressively pulls up all the dead organic matter from under the surface depending on how deep you lower the tines, also as well as pulling out all the thatch it also gives the surface and sward a light aeration. How ever this operation because of its aggressive nature make sure its carried out at the right time of the year preferably when there is growing conditions so the roots can recover sufficiently.

Preventative measures would be a careful and considered lawn care programme with measured amount of nitrogen applied at the right times of the year and also a clear and regular aeration programme which will reduce the chance of excessive thatch build up ( Prevention is better than the cure ).

Prevention is better than the cure

Reduce your thatch levels have a thorough lawn care program that includes a scarify to help control levels of thatch improving the health of the sward.

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